Publications - Archives 2006  
Dernières publications
E. Becheva, Y. Blumenfeld, E. Khan, D. Beaumel, J. M. Daugas, F. Delaunay, C. E. Demonchy, et al.
N=14 shell closure in O-22 viewed through a neutron sensitive probe
Physical Review Letters 96, (2006)
G. Belier, O. Roig, J. M. Daugas, O. Giarmana, V. Meot, A. Letourneau, F. Marie, et al.
Thermal neutron capture cross section for the K isomer Lu-177(m)
Physical Review C 73, (2006)
J. P. Delaroche, M. Girod, H. Goutte and J. Libert
Structure properties of even-even actinides at normal and super deformed shapes analysed using the Gogny force
Nuclear Physics A 771, 103-168 (2006)
B. Ducomet and E. Feireisl 
The equations of magnetohydrodynamics: On the interaction between matter and radiation in the evolution of gaseous stars
Communications in Mathematical Physics 266, 595-629 (2006)
B. Ducomet and A. Zlotnik
On stability of the Crank-Nicolson scheme with approximate transparent boundary conditions for the Schrodinger equation, part I
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 4, 741-766 (2006)
M. Dupuis, S. Karataglidis, E. Bauge, J. P. Delaroche and D. Gogny
Correlations in microscopic optical model for nucleon elastic scattering off doubly closed-shell nuclei
Physical Review C 73, (2006)
G. Georgiev, I. Matea, D. L. Balabanski, J. M. Daugas, F. D. O. Santos, S. Franchoo, F. Ibrahim, et al.
g-factor of the 9/2(+) isomeric state in Ni-65 from transfer reaction
European Physical Journal A 30, 351-356 (2006)
M. Gerbaux, M. M. Aleonard, G. Claverie, F. Gobet, F. Hannachi, G. Malka, J. N. Scheurer, et al.
Multi-MeV laser-produced particle sources: Characterization by activation techniques
IFSA 2005 Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005, Biarritz , France, vol. 133, 1139-1141 (2006)
F. Gobet, F. Hannachi, M. M. Aleonard, J. F. Chemin, G. Claverie, M. Gerbaux, G. Malka, et al.
Absolute energy distribution of hard x rays produced in the interaction of a kilohertz femtosecond laser with tantalum targets
Review of Scientific Instruments 77, (2006)
S. Goko, H. Utsunomiya, S. Goriely, A. Makinaga, T. Kaihori, S. Hohara, H. Akimune, et al.
Partial photoneutron cross sections for the isomeric state Ta-180(m)
Physical Review Letters 96, (2006)
H. Goutte, J. F. Berger and D. Gogny
Fission collective dynamics in a microscopic framework
International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol 15, n°2 292-301 (2006)
S. Hilaire and S. Goriely
Global microscopic nuclear level densities within the HFB plus combinatorial method for practical applications
Nuclear Physics A 779, 63-81 (2006)
S. Hilaire, D. Pagnoux, P. Roy and S. Fevrier
Numerical study of single mode Er-doped microstructured fibers: influence of geometrical parameters on amplifier performances
Optics Express 14, 10865-10877 (2006)
P. Himpe, G. Neyens, D. L. Balabanski, G. Belier, D. Borremans, J. M. Daugas, F. D. Santos, et al.
g factors of Al-31,Al-32,Al-33: Indication for intruder configurations in the Al-33 ground state
Physics Letters B 643, 257-262 (2006)
P. C. Huu-Tai
Systematic study of elastic and reaction cross sections of deuteron induced reactions within the CDCC approach
Nuclear Physics A 773, 56-77 (2006)
P. C. Huu-Tai
Systematic study of elastic and reaction cross sections of deuteron induced reactions within the CDCC approach (vol 773, pg 56, 2006)
Nuclear Physics A 776, 80-81 (2006)
X. Ledoux, J. Sigaud, T. Granier, J. P. Lochard, Y. Patin, P. Pras, C. Varignon, et al.
Measurements of isomeric cross-section ratios for neutron capture in the resonances region
European Physical Journal A 27, 59-65 (2006)
B. Morillon and P. Romain
Bound single-particle states for neutrons from a global spherical optical model
Physical Review C 74, (2006)
F. Perrot, F. Marechal, C. Jollet, P. Dessagne, J. C. Angelique, G. Ban, P. Baumann, et al.
beta-decay studies of neutron-rich K isotopes
Physical Review C 74, (2006)
O. Perru, O. Sorlin, S. Franchoo, F. Azaiez, E. Bouchez, C. Bourgeois, A. Chatillon, et al.
Enhanced core polarization in Ni-70 and Zn-74
Physical Review Letters 96, (2006)
N. Pillet, J. F. Berger, M. Girod and E. Caurier
Variational multiparticle-multihole mixing with the D1S Gogny force
International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 15, n°2, 464-470 (2006)
D. Ridikas, M. L. Giacri, M. B. Chadwick, J. C. David, D. Dore, X. Ledoux, A. Van Lauwe, et al.
Status of the photonuclear activation file: Reaction cross-sections, fission fragments and delayed neutrons
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 562, 710-713 (2006)
D. Rochman, R. C. Haight, J. M. O'Donnell, S. A. Wender, D. J. Vieira, E. M. Bond, T. A. Bredeweg, et al.
Cross-section measurements for 239Pu(n,f) and 6Li(n,alpha) with a lead slowing-down spectrometer
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 564, 400-404 (2006)
O. Roig, G. Belier, V. Meot, D. Abt, J. Aupiais, J. M. Daugas, C. Jutier, et al.
Evidence for inelastic neutron acceleration by the Lu-177 isomer
Physical Review C 74, (2006)
C. Romano, Y. Danon, R. C. Haight, S. A. Wender, D. J. Vieira, E. M. Bond, R. S. Rundberg, et al.
Measurements of (n,alpha) cross-section of small samples using a lead-slowing-down-spectrometer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 562, 771-773 (2006)
K. Turzo, P. Himpe, D. L. Balabanski, G. Belier, D. Borremans, J. M. Daugas, G. Georgiev, et al.
Spin polarization of Al-34 fragments produced by nucleon pickup at intermediate energies
Physical Review C 73, (2006)
C. Varignon, X. Ledoux, I. Lantuejoul, G. Alloy, N. Arnal, I. Bailly, J. J. Baldys, et al.
A new neutron beam line for (n, xn) reaction studies
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 248, 329-335 (2006)
G. Vladuca, A. Tudora, B. Morillon and D. Filipescu
Inner barrier shape symmetries in Np-237 neutron data evaluation up to 40 MeV incident energy
Nuclear Physics A 767, 112-137 (2006)
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